


Boundlessは、誠実さ、敬意を持って、適用される法律や規制に従い、ビジネスを遂行することに努めています。当社は、パートナーおよびサプライヤー(以下「御社」といいます)が Boundlessパートナーおよびサプライヤー行動規範(以下「本規範」といいます)を遵守し、これらの原則に従い行動することを期待しています。本規範が法律で要求される基準よりも高い基準を定める場合、 御社が本規範を遵守することを期待しています。本規範は、御社がBoundlessとの契約内容に補足しますが、契約内容に取って代わるものではありません。





汚職防止 - Boundlessは、いかなる形態の汚職や贈収賄も容認せず、パートナーやサプライヤーに対しても同じことを期待しています。御社は、米国海外腐敗行為防止法および英国贈収賄防止法を含むがこれに限らず全ての適用される腐敗行為防止法に従わなければならなりません。御社は、ビジネスもしくは優遇措置を取得しや維持するため、行動を左右するため、またはBoundless、御社もしくは如何なる第三者のために不適切な利益を得るために、賄賂、リベート、ファシリテーション・ペイメントもしくは価値のあるものを直接的または間接的に支払い、提供、許可、承認または受領しなければなりません。












Boundlessは、御社がBoundlessと関連するすべての活動において、広告、営業及び競合行為を含め、公正、誠実、正確、かつ誠実なビジネススタンダードを維持することを期待しています。広告、マーケティング、営業、または販売促進活動において、Boundlessの名称、ロゴ、製品、サービス、従業員、 および関係会社に言及しようとする場合、事前にBoundlessの書面による承認を得ておく必要があります。









  • 奴隷労働、強制労働、人身売買- Boundlessは、如何なるかたちの奴隷労働、強制労働、人身売買も容認しません。当社のパートナーおよびサプライヤーは、英国現代奴隷法を含む、適用される奴隷労働、強制労働、人身売買に関するすべての法律を完全に従わなければなりません。いかなる種類の非自発的労働に参与したり、支援したりすることは禁じます。社員の採用およびその他の人事慣行に、虐待的、搾取的、または違法な状態が存在しないことを確認してください。
  • 児童労働 - パートナーおよびサプライヤーは、児童労働を使用してはならず、適用される法定最低雇用年齢未満の若者を雇用しないようにするための必要な予防措置をとるものとします。
  • 賃金と福利厚生 - パートナーおよびサプライヤーが、最低で適用される法律と規制に定められた最低賃金を従業員に適時に支払い、法的に定められたすべての福利厚生を提供することを期待しています。


Boundlessは、パートナーとサプライヤーが、年齢、障がい、民族的または社会的出身、性別、性同一性、国籍、人種、 性的指向、婚姻状況、育児状態、政党、宗教、または法律で保護されているその他の状態や特性などに対して、如何なる理由で差別、嫌がらせ、迫害およびその他の形態の不適切な行動や虐待のない職場を維持することを期待します。ハラスメント、暴力、および虐待のない環境を常に維持することが求められています。












Boundlessは、パートナーおよびサプライヤーに対し、適用されるすべてのマネーロンダリング防止法および規制を遵守することを求めています。御社は、「顧客確認(Know Your Customer:KYC)」の要件に従わなければならず、且つ、マネーロンダリング、テロ資金供与、または犯罪資金の流れを隠したり促進したりするその他の活動を含む、異常なまたは疑わしい活動に注意しなければなりません。上記のような活動に気づいた場合は、以下の情報を介してBoundlessに連絡してください。


懸念することがあり、本規範違反の疑いがあり、または実際に本規範違反した場合、即座に報告しなければなりません。Boundlessの倫理およびコンプライアンスオフィス(844.943.4554 またはまでお問い合わせください。





Boundless Partner & Supplier Code of Conduct


Boundless is committed to conducting business with integrity, respect, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We expect our partners and suppliers (“you”) to uphold these principles by complying with the Boundless Partner & Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”). If this Code sets higher standards than what the law requires, Boundless expects you to adhere to our standards. This Code supplements, but does not supersede, the contract terms between you and Boundless.

As used in this Code, “Partner” refers to any entity, including but not limited to their employees and agents, that has a business relationship with Boundless. “Supplier” refers to any vendor, firm or individual, who provides products, staffing, or services to Boundless. You are also responsible for implementing policies and procedures to ensure compliance with this Code and for taking prompt action to address any non-compliance or issues affecting your ability to comply. Any conduct that is inconsistent with or violates this Code or associated Boundless policies may be grounds for terminating your business relationship with Boundless.

This Code also applies to affiliates, intermediaries, and any other parties who act on your behalf.  You are responsible for ensuring that any affiliates, intermediaries or other parties acting on your in connection with your relationship with Boundless is aware of and in compliance with this Code.


Boundless values conducting and winning business fairly. Boundless expects its Partners and Suppliers not to engage in any forms of illegal or inappropriate activity, including corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery, regardless of the country where services or performance under an agreement with Boundless occur.

Anti-Corruption - Boundless does not tolerate corruption or bribery in any form and expects the same of its Partners and Suppliers. You must comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws, including but not limited to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act & UK Bribery Act. You must not, directly or indirectly, pay, give, offer, permit, authorize, or accept bribes, kickbacks, facilitation payments, or things of value to obtain or retain business or favored treatment, to influence actions, or to obtain an improper advantage for Boundless, you, or any third party.

This prohibition extends to public officials, candidates for office, personnel of state-owned or operated institutions (e.g. travel boards, banks, airlines), and private parties.

No gifts, entertainment, or things of value can be provided to government officials in connection with Boundless matters without the express written authorization of Boundless. “Things of value” include, but are not limited to, cash, cash equivalents, meals, entertainment, gifts, charitable donations, travel, and other benefits.

You must keep accurate, truthful, and complete business records in regard to transactions, expenditures, and/or services performed in the conduct of business with Boundless.

Privacy & Data Security

Boundless expects you to protect and make proper use of information or assets that we share with you. Ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed access to Boundless information. Unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information may have personal, legal, reputational, and financial consequences, You must comply with all applicable privacy, data protection, information security laws and regulations, as well as Boundless privacy and data security policies and procedures.

Intellectual Property

If we share or grant you access to our intellectual property, you are responsible for protecting it from unauthorized access, theft, waste, cyber-related attack, misuse, unauthorized distribution, or other type of loss.  Our customer relationship information, technology assets, communication tools, and information systems are Boundless property and are to be used for Boundless-related business purposes only.

Implement and maintain appropriate physical, technical, and organizational measures to ensure that the security, confidentiality, and integrity of your systems, processes, and services securely maintain the data that you receive from Boundless. Promptly inform us if you are aware of any violations of these conditions.

Conflicts of Interest

Avoid any situation that may involve a conflict of interest. Do not use Boundless’s information for a personal benefit or to promote a competing business or activity.  Disclose to Boundless any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest with the work you do for Boundless that result from personal or business relationships with Boundless, our employees, customers, Suppliers, Partners, or our competitors.

Advertising, Marketing, and Sales

Boundless expects you to uphold fair, truthful, accurate, and honest business standards in all Boundless-related activities, including advertising, sales, and competition. Boundless’ written approval is required before making any reference to Boundless’s name, logos, products, services, employees, and affiliates in advertising, marketing, sales, or promotional activities.  

Gifts and Entertainment

In addition to our anti-bribery requirements, we do not exchange cash or cash equivalents, such as gifts cards, with suppliers or other business Partners. Gifts and entertainment offered should be reasonable and have a legitimate business purpose. They may not be offered in an effort to improperly influence a business decision or business relationship. Gifts should be nominal courtesies. If gifts could potentially appear to be a bribe or improper payment, do not offer or receive them. Entertainment should not embarrass your company or ours, and should not occur in a way that could harm our companies’ reputations. It is never acceptable for a Boundless employee to solicit gifts, gratuities or entertainment. Gifts or special favors are not conditions of doing business with Boundless. Report any attempted bribery or inappropriate gifts or entertainment to our Ethics Hotline, as noted below.


Boundless is firmly committed to treating people with dignity and fairness in accordance with applicable laws and regulations regarding labor and employment.

Diversity and Inclusion

Boundless is committed to celebrating diversity. We encourage our Partners and Suppliers to share in our commitment through their operations and supply chain.  We expect our Partners and Suppliers to provide a range of enterprises that are diverse in ownership (e.g. locally owned, women owned) and scale (e.g. small and medium businesses) with the opportunity to compete for business on a fair and equal footing.

Labor and Human Right

Boundless recognizes its responsibility to respect human rights. Our approach is reflected in our company's Business and Human Rights Program and our actions in the countries where we do business. We expect our Partners and Suppliers to have similar policies and practices that apply to all workers, suppliers, and their supply chains.

  • Slavery, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking - Boundless does not tolerate slavery, forced labor, or human trafficking in any form.  We expect our Partners and Suppliers to fully comply with all applicable slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking laws, including without limitation the UK Modern Slavery Act. Do not engage in or support involuntary labor of any kind. Ensure that no abusive, exploitative, or illegal conditions exist in your hiring, recruiting, and other human resources practices.
  • Child Labor - Partners and Suppliers must not employ child labor and will take the necessary preventative measures to ensure that it does not employ anyone under the applicable legal minimum age of employment. 
  • Wage and Benefits - We expect Partners and Suppliers to timely pay their employees at least the minimum wage required by applicable laws and regulations and to provide all legally mandated benefits.

No Discrimination or Harrassment

Boundless expects its Partners and Suppliers to maintain a workplace that is free of discrimination, harrassment, victimization, and any other form of inappropriate behavior or abuse on any grounds, including but not limited to age, disability, ethnic or social origin, gender, gender identity, nationality, race, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, political party, religion, or other status or trait protected by law. You are expected to maintain an environment free of harassment, violence, and abuse at all times.

Safe and Healthy Work Environment

Partners and Suppliers must provide its personnel with a work environment that safeguards against health and safety risks, accidents, injury, and other hazards. Conflict should be resolved in a respectful and productive manner without threats, bullying, violence, or hostility. Boundless is a drug-free workplace, and does not permit illegal drugs or controlled substances in our workplace, even where local law permits. Do not abuse alcohol or prescription drugs while working or attending business functions on Boundless’s behalf.

Respect for the Environment

We expect our Partners and Suppliers to operate in an environmentally responsible and efficient manner in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations. You may be asked to provide information to show your compliance efforts.


Boundless expects that you will conduct business in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and jurisdictions where you operate.

Fair Competition and Antitrust Laws

Boundless is committed to complying with applicable competition and antitrust laws. As a Boundless Partner or Supplier, you will conduct their business in full compliance with all applicable fair competition and antitrust laws. Unfair competition and deceptive practices involving Boundless products is prohibited. You must not conspire with other parties to engage in bid rigging, price fixing, or other forms of collusion.

Export, Import, and Sanctions Laws

All transactions must comply with United States export controls, customs laws, and sanctions programs.  Customs laws and import restrictions in the countries where you conduct business with Boundless may also apply. If you are engaged in the shipment of items, the transfer of software or technology, or the rendering of services in your business activities with or for Boundless, you are required to comply with all applicable export and import laws and regulations, which may include licenses, registrations, permits, reporting obligations, and other government authorizations, some of which may be required prior to export and/or import. Participation in international boycotts that are not upheld by the United States Government is prohibited. You must also be responsible for complying with applicable embargoes, sanctions, and other government directives and ensuring that you have the staffing, resources, and tools needed to achieve such compliance.

Anti-Money Laundering Laws

Boundless requires its Partners and Suppliers to adhere to all applicable anti-money laundering laws and regulations. You must comply with “know your customer” requirements and be alert to unusual or suspicious activity that could involve money laundering, terrorist financing, or other activities involved in concealing and/or facilitating the flow of criminally derived funds. If you become aware of such activities, contact Boundless via the information provided below.         

Reporting Concerns & Engagement With Boundless

You must promptly report concerns and potential or actual violations of this Code. Contact Boundless’ Ethics & Compliance Office at 844.943.4554 or

You must provide reasonable assistance to any investigation by Boundless of any potential violation of this Code. Partners and Suppliers must protect anyone who works for them, either as an employee or a contractor, from any form of retaliation for reporting suspected or actual violations.

We encourage anyone with a question or concern regarding this Code to contact us using the above methods. Your question or concern will be documented and submitted to Boundless where an assessment will occur to facilitate a prompt and effective response within Boundless and/or make an otherwise appropriate referral for handling and resolution.

Last updated: September 1, 2021